Blog : Smart Connections

  • Healthcare

    Reinr Frenken Reinr Frenken 21.10.2019

    What can we learn from ‘super hospitals’?

    ‘Super hospitals’ resulting from extensive consolidation are appearing all around the world. Research by US healthcare data firm Definitive Healthcare names consolidation as the most signifcant healthcare trend of 2019. Learn what this means for your IT-Infrastructure.

  • Healthcare

    Alexandra Nacken Alexandra Nacken 16.09.2019

    The Hospital of the Future

    Fibre To The Office (FTTO) offers a flexible and digital infrastructure enabling you to build the hospital of the future!

  • Office & Enterprise

    Guillaume Angeli Guillaume Angeli 01.07.2019

    The Power of Good

    A study published by the European Commission* stated that the information and communication technology (ICT) sector generates up to two per cent of all global CO2 emissions. Guillaume Angeli at Nexans explains why Fibre To The Office (FTTO) offers a sustainable alternative to traditional network infrastructures.

  • Office & Enterprise

    Marcel Reifenberg Marcel Reifenberg 03.06.2019

    Passive Optical LAN (POL) and its impact on the Local Area Network (LAN)

    Get to know the benefits of a passive optical LAN (POL) and it’s impact on the local area network (LAN).

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